H&R Block, UMKC, Leopold Gallery and the KC Rep are pleased to announce the world premiere screening of ART ON THE BLOCK. Art on the Block documents the ambitious collaboration between H&R Block and the ten regional artists creating site-specific art for Block’s new headquarters. I am honored to be one of the ten featured artists in this documentary.
Monday, May 21, 6-8p.m.
Copaken Stage, One H&R Block Way, Kansas City, MO.
Program starts at 6:00p.m. – reception to follow.
RSVP by May 14, 2007 816/854-5678 or artprogram@hrblock.com.
To purchase a DVD copy send $15 tax-deductible donation to:
UMKC Comm Studies,
5100 Rockhill Rd, Haag 202
Kansas City MO 64110
attn: AOTB
All proceeds go to the Student Filmmaker Grant Program in the Communication Studies Dept. at the University Missouri Kansas City. For more info contact Daven Gee, 816/305-4738 or geed@umkc.edu.