Monday, May 07, 2007


H&R Block, UMKC, Leopold Gallery and the KC Rep are pleased to announce the world premiere screening of ART ON THE BLOCK. Art on the Block documents the ambitious collaboration between H&R Block and the ten regional artists creating site-specific art for Block’s new headquarters. I am honored to be one of the ten featured artists in this documentary.

Monday, May 21, 6-8p.m.
Copaken Stage, One H&R Block Way, Kansas City, MO.

Program starts at 6:00p.m. – reception to follow.
RSVP by May 14, 2007 816/854-5678 or

To purchase a DVD copy send $15 tax-deductible donation to:
UMKC Comm Studies,
5100 Rockhill Rd, Haag 202
Kansas City MO 64110
attn: AOTB
All proceeds go to the Student Filmmaker Grant Program in the Communication Studies Dept. at the University Missouri Kansas City. For more info contact Daven Gee, 816/305-4738 or

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Our Lady of Lourdes School Visit

I had a lovely visit with Mrs Joann Schell's 7th and 8th graders at Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary. They were incredibly attentive and asked very intellegent questions. These pictures show their artist experiments using rubber stamps to make self portraits.

New Pieces

It is spring time, which is a great time to start new work. This is the first drawing of a new body of work using my friends as models. It is a sketch of Isabel using the word puzzle.